this January, bad things happened in several persons. including me.
i lost my cellphone - sony ericsson w910i when i was on my campus' radio. I don't know who exactly took my phone, but we (me and my closest friends) have a suspect who supposed to did that. sangat sangat menyesakkan mengingat seumur hidup saya belum pernah kehilangan handphone , even my other valuable thingy! this is worst. i don't have any word to describe. sehari setelah kehilangan hp, langsung gw berangkuts ke xl center bintaro sebrang bintaro plaza buat ngurus nomer, i looove that number alot! sangat berharap mamah berbaik hati membelikan hape lagi. uugghhh!!
i lost my cellphone - sony ericsson w910i when i was on my campus' radio. I don't know who exactly took my phone, but we (me and my closest friends) have a suspect who supposed to did that. sangat sangat menyesakkan mengingat seumur hidup saya belum pernah kehilangan handphone , even my other valuable thingy! this is worst. i don't have any word to describe. sehari setelah kehilangan hp, langsung gw berangkuts ke xl center bintaro sebrang bintaro plaza buat ngurus nomer, i looove that number alot! sangat berharap mamah berbaik hati membelikan hape lagi. uugghhh!!
second person was reka, one of my closest friend.
he got a serious broken hearted conditions, which makes his heart dead (he thought).
he loved a girl which not his girlfriend. they're getting closer day by day without any status. one day, the girl left him for someone else. someone better, perhaps. and it brokes reka alot. he even cried infront of us.
the third, and the worst, is my bestfriend, ayu.
dia orang bali tapi kuliah di binus. kalo kita lagi liburan ke bali pasti semoet sempetin nginep di rumah ayu karna rumahnya enak dan keluarganya sangat terbuka. one day, ayu left to bali without telling us or even her boyfriend. kakanya bilang sampe di bali dia cuma nangis terus dan bengong. kind of depresion maybe. we don't know exactly what's going on with ayu, but we trying our best to give some support and love. rencananya kita rame rame mau ke bali buat ngunjungin ayu.
sisanya adalah permasalahan kedua teme gue yang pacaran dan lagi masa masa "aneh"
intinya adalah saya dan teman teman sedang suraaaaammm aaahhh tidaaakkk!! need a refreshiinngg...
saar! saya setuju sama tulisan lo yg ini. astaga naga PIM, pengunjungnya waktu kita jaman SMP-SMA semua, tapi lebih lebay lagi sekarang. hahaha.. gw juga udah males total ke pim skarang, apalagi malam minggu ;p
abis dei..males gila! ramenya itu loh. uda gt suka berenti berenti di jalan lagi bikin macet hehehe
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