i'm currently visiting this cool site, 8tracks.com where you can create your own mixtape by simply upload it or you can use songs from soundcloud. Every mixtapes has its own tags and theme, so you can match it with your mood or current weather :) don't be surprised if you found your childhood songs! happy tracking..
play and follow mine, 8tracks.com/fingerprints
to me you are perfect
i've never met someone like you, all my life, seriously. never have, never will.
you know me best, know exactly how to treat me
when everybody's looking down on me, u're the one that stands still, with ur thumbs up, and a proud eye.
you're my gravity..
wherever i go, i'll come back to you.
you're on to me
all over me
you know me best, know exactly how to treat me
when everybody's looking down on me, u're the one that stands still, with ur thumbs up, and a proud eye.
you're my gravity..
wherever i go, i'll come back to you.
you're on to me
all over me

The power of 'doing nothing'?
hi..long time no write!
well, besides finishing my school, i was busy helping my mom running our family business which a little bit hectic lately (thank God). and now..i'm enjoying my 'doing nothing and be happy' time while waiting a probably-perfect-job to come.
i was a happily 'doing nothing' person back then, until one day i overheard someone's little chit chat that surprisingly brought a huge slap on my face.
beberapa hari yang lalu, seperti biasa gw mampir ke itc kuningan untuk ngecek butik. thank God it's running well. jam makan siang, mendadak gw ngidam mie ayam abang2 (i'm a huge Indonesian food's worshiper!) singkat cerita, gw tiba2 udah terdampar di gerobak mie ayam kaki lima belakang itc. pas lagi asik2nya nyikat mie ayam, terdengarlah sekilas mbak2 berdua pake seragam OB nya ambassador ngobrol. obrolan merekapun jadi backsound makan siang gw.
OB1 : km ngajakin makan tempat mahal mulu, gak cukup nanti gajiku buat sebulan!
OB2 : gajimu brp sih?
OB1 : 500ribu
OB2 : yo sama toh karo aku (translate: sama lah sama gue)
OB1 : ngiri juga sih aku liat baju cakep2 banget
OB2 : ho oh bener..kalo liat orang belanja bilangnya "liatin deh aku bagusan warna ini atau itu?" kalo aku sih boro2 baju, wong makan aja suka bingung cukup apa enggak duite hehehe
OB1 : makanya sesok2 mbawa bekel dari rumah, ojo jajan2 biar bisa pake baju cakep kayak syahrini
OB2 : kan sekali sekali makan ayam ora popo toh..hahahahaha
uda ga kedengeran lg tuh suara mba2, sadar2 tiba2 mata gw udah penuh sama air, ga bisa nafas karena idung gw mampet, dan sesak..
walaupun gue tau kehidupan tuh keras banget, dan hal kaya gini sebenernya uda sering didenger disekitar kita, tapi yang satu ini nampar gw keras keras.
pertama, mie ayam yang harganya 7000 katanya terlalu mahal buat mereka. kedua, gaji 500ribu fo God's sake..kadang2 uang segitu bisa kita abisin dalam sehari bahkan. dan yang ketiga, mereka bahkan ketawa2 kaya cerita mereka tuh enteng aja, not a big problem nor an 'I'M DYING' statement, dimana disebelahnya, hati gw tertusuk tusuk.
memang bukan pilihan kita untuk terlahir dan hidup enak ataupun susah. takdir dari Tuhan, manusia bisa apa sih? but the point is, are you happy or aren't you happy? if you are, then, are the people around you happy? if they aren't, would you still be happy?? my answer is no, i'm not. it leaves a deep scar on my heart that keep reminds me of an unhappy people around me when i'm happy.
so, am i longer a 'happily doing nothing' person? nope..until i got a proper job, call me a 'miserable and pathetic doing nothing' wench.
well, besides finishing my school, i was busy helping my mom running our family business which a little bit hectic lately (thank God). and now..i'm enjoying my 'doing nothing and be happy' time while waiting a probably-perfect-job to come.
i was a happily 'doing nothing' person back then, until one day i overheard someone's little chit chat that surprisingly brought a huge slap on my face.
beberapa hari yang lalu, seperti biasa gw mampir ke itc kuningan untuk ngecek butik. thank God it's running well. jam makan siang, mendadak gw ngidam mie ayam abang2 (i'm a huge Indonesian food's worshiper!) singkat cerita, gw tiba2 udah terdampar di gerobak mie ayam kaki lima belakang itc. pas lagi asik2nya nyikat mie ayam, terdengarlah sekilas mbak2 berdua pake seragam OB nya ambassador ngobrol. obrolan merekapun jadi backsound makan siang gw.
OB1 : km ngajakin makan tempat mahal mulu, gak cukup nanti gajiku buat sebulan!
OB2 : gajimu brp sih?
OB1 : 500ribu
OB2 : yo sama toh karo aku (translate: sama lah sama gue)
OB1 : ngiri juga sih aku liat baju cakep2 banget
OB2 : ho oh bener..kalo liat orang belanja bilangnya "liatin deh aku bagusan warna ini atau itu?" kalo aku sih boro2 baju, wong makan aja suka bingung cukup apa enggak duite hehehe
OB1 : makanya sesok2 mbawa bekel dari rumah, ojo jajan2 biar bisa pake baju cakep kayak syahrini
OB2 : kan sekali sekali makan ayam ora popo toh..hahahahaha
uda ga kedengeran lg tuh suara mba2, sadar2 tiba2 mata gw udah penuh sama air, ga bisa nafas karena idung gw mampet, dan sesak..
walaupun gue tau kehidupan tuh keras banget, dan hal kaya gini sebenernya uda sering didenger disekitar kita, tapi yang satu ini nampar gw keras keras.
pertama, mie ayam yang harganya 7000 katanya terlalu mahal buat mereka. kedua, gaji 500ribu fo God's sake..kadang2 uang segitu bisa kita abisin dalam sehari bahkan. dan yang ketiga, mereka bahkan ketawa2 kaya cerita mereka tuh enteng aja, not a big problem nor an 'I'M DYING' statement, dimana disebelahnya, hati gw tertusuk tusuk.
memang bukan pilihan kita untuk terlahir dan hidup enak ataupun susah. takdir dari Tuhan, manusia bisa apa sih? but the point is, are you happy or aren't you happy? if you are, then, are the people around you happy? if they aren't, would you still be happy?? my answer is no, i'm not. it leaves a deep scar on my heart that keep reminds me of an unhappy people around me when i'm happy.
so, am i longer a 'happily doing nothing' person? nope..until i got a proper job, call me a 'miserable and pathetic doing nothing' wench.
Whatever will be, will be
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
What will be, will be
When I was young, I fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
What will be, will be.
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
What will be, will be
When I was young, I fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
What will be, will be.
inspiring women

ps : they got the most "galau" song, EVER!
circle of..heaven?
nothing is better than 'curhat' with the person who has the same problems as yours, so they can exactly knows how you feel. am i right or am i right? :D
kemaren gw berbincang-bincang hangat dengan salah seorang sahabat. dia sempet terlihat 'galau parah' di twitter (she's not even the galau type of person, fyi) yang baru akhirnya cerita tentang masalahnya dia yang membuat gw berteriak "ANJ*NG SAMA BANGET SAMA GUE BROO!" kok bisa, asli itu ajaib banget karena well mnurut gw masalah gw jarang ditemukan pada orang normal lainnya (haha!) obrolan semakin seru dan yang tadinya gw main kerumahnya berakhir di sebuah random cafe ngebir ngebir cantik (frustasi lebih tepatnya).
gw ga akan bercerita detail permasalahannya, yang akan gw bahas adalah conclusion atau kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari kurang lebih 3 jam mengawinkan pikiran. well, misalnya kita hidup dalam sebuah lingkaran selama bertahun tahun. lingkaran itu sangat bulat, mulus, cantik, nyaman, dan apa yang lo butuhkan semua ada disitu. butuh ya, bukan mau. suatu saat lo ngerasa bosan dengan kehidupan dalam lingkaran itu, and all you wanna do is get the fucking out. yang terjadi adalah, diem-diem lo membiarkan jari-jari kaki lo keluar sedikit untuk merasakan 'hawa' diluar sana. indah! menarik! segalah hal yang lo mau ada disana. mau, bukan butuh. tanpa sadar lo membiarkan setengah badan lo keluar dari situ. terlalu indah! bergejolak! dan..sakit? kaki lo ketusuk duri! ternyata kehidupan di luar lingkaran itu begitu menarik tetapi juga berbahaya. lo sangat ingin keluar dari lingkaran itu, tapi terlalu takut. takut ga akan nemuin lingkaran yang sama bagusnya, atau bahkan lebih bagus lagi. karna apa yang lo butuh ada di lingkaran itu. end of story, akhirnya gw (dan sahabat gw) memutuskan untuk kembali masuk kedalam lingkaran itu, dan bersyukur masih memiliki lingkaran sempurna yang nyaman dan pasti. dan luka di kaki sebagai pengingat kehidupan diluar sana.
that's life. full of choices. close your eyes, pick randomly, deal with it. nobody gets out alive anyways. and oh.. WE'RE ONLY YOUNG ONCE!
maafkan penulisan saya yang absurd, semoga anda mengerti. ga ngerti juga gapapa sihh..
kemaren gw berbincang-bincang hangat dengan salah seorang sahabat. dia sempet terlihat 'galau parah' di twitter (she's not even the galau type of person, fyi) yang baru akhirnya cerita tentang masalahnya dia yang membuat gw berteriak "ANJ*NG SAMA BANGET SAMA GUE BROO!" kok bisa, asli itu ajaib banget karena well mnurut gw masalah gw jarang ditemukan pada orang normal lainnya (haha!) obrolan semakin seru dan yang tadinya gw main kerumahnya berakhir di sebuah random cafe ngebir ngebir cantik (frustasi lebih tepatnya).
gw ga akan bercerita detail permasalahannya, yang akan gw bahas adalah conclusion atau kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari kurang lebih 3 jam mengawinkan pikiran. well, misalnya kita hidup dalam sebuah lingkaran selama bertahun tahun. lingkaran itu sangat bulat, mulus, cantik, nyaman, dan apa yang lo butuhkan semua ada disitu. butuh ya, bukan mau. suatu saat lo ngerasa bosan dengan kehidupan dalam lingkaran itu, and all you wanna do is get the fucking out. yang terjadi adalah, diem-diem lo membiarkan jari-jari kaki lo keluar sedikit untuk merasakan 'hawa' diluar sana. indah! menarik! segalah hal yang lo mau ada disana. mau, bukan butuh. tanpa sadar lo membiarkan setengah badan lo keluar dari situ. terlalu indah! bergejolak! dan..sakit? kaki lo ketusuk duri! ternyata kehidupan di luar lingkaran itu begitu menarik tetapi juga berbahaya. lo sangat ingin keluar dari lingkaran itu, tapi terlalu takut. takut ga akan nemuin lingkaran yang sama bagusnya, atau bahkan lebih bagus lagi. karna apa yang lo butuh ada di lingkaran itu. end of story, akhirnya gw (dan sahabat gw) memutuskan untuk kembali masuk kedalam lingkaran itu, dan bersyukur masih memiliki lingkaran sempurna yang nyaman dan pasti. dan luka di kaki sebagai pengingat kehidupan diluar sana.
that's life. full of choices. close your eyes, pick randomly, deal with it. nobody gets out alive anyways. and oh.. WE'RE ONLY YOUNG ONCE!
maafkan penulisan saya yang absurd, semoga anda mengerti. ga ngerti juga gapapa sihh..
Watch what you say..
That girl you just called ugly, could be Justin Bieber's wife in ten years.
That girl you just called fat could be America's Next top model, one day.
That girl you just called stupid, could be the next CEO of google.
That girl you just called boring, could be the next lady gaga.
That girl you just called annoying, could be the next Oscar winner.
You? You'll be sitting on your couch, watching the television, and regretting being a horrible person.
That girl you just called fat could be America's Next top model, one day.
That girl you just called stupid, could be the next CEO of google.
That girl you just called boring, could be the next lady gaga.
That girl you just called annoying, could be the next Oscar winner.
You? You'll be sitting on your couch, watching the television, and regretting being a horrible person.
Biggest lies a girl will tell :
1. I love your outfit!
2. I hate him.
3. I don't like anyone..
4. I'm not mad at you.
5. I finished my homework.
6. I don't care what you think of me.
7. I don't want to be popular.
8. I love my life!
9. I feel sick, I can't go to school..
2. I hate him.
3. I don't like anyone..
4. I'm not mad at you.
5. I finished my homework.
6. I don't care what you think of me.
7. I don't want to be popular.
8. I love my life!
9. I feel sick, I can't go to school..
BOYS are stronger than GIRLS?
Oh, please…
Can you bleed for a week and survive?
Can you squeeze 14 inch baby from a 9 centimeter hole?
Can you carry a 7 pound baby in your stomach for 9 months?
Can you take care of a child, cook, clean, and talk on the phone at once?
Can you carry 10 8 pound s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g b.a.g.s?
Can you go a WEEK only eating salad?
Can you —> face heartbreak?
Can you watch the (love of your life) be with someone else?
Can you burn your forehead with a straightener and not complain?
Can you wear a thin piece of [STRING] in your ASS all day?
Can you walk all day in 4 inch stilletos?
Can you cry all night then wake up the next morning like everythings okay?
one another..
why on the earth that (straight) boys and girls couldn't be friends for a long period?
i mean, either they both falls for each other, or just a one side feeling?
you see, love can crashed friendship just in time,
even when they've been bestfriend since they were 6th
or even when their moms already been like sisters
and they both understands each other like starsky and hutch
they did partner in crime
they knew each other's first loves and ex's
share the very same music
singing along like there's no tomorrow
got drunk, did jackpot
stuck in a heavy rain, in the middle of nowhere. ps : out of town
one of them's crying out loud. one another just shut up and stroked other's hair
sharing pets together
or even..
when one of them was laying in a hospital's bed, suffered, despair of the disease. one another holds other's hand, shed tears, while kept saying prayers, wishing everything's gonna be well.
it all can be gone just by one moment.
it's just feel so right when we're just a friend. the very best one.
i'm just.. i miss you, my bestfriend :'(
i mean, either they both falls for each other, or just a one side feeling?
you see, love can crashed friendship just in time,
even when they've been bestfriend since they were 6th
or even when their moms already been like sisters
and they both understands each other like starsky and hutch
they did partner in crime
they knew each other's first loves and ex's
share the very same music
singing along like there's no tomorrow
got drunk, did jackpot
stuck in a heavy rain, in the middle of nowhere. ps : out of town
one of them's crying out loud. one another just shut up and stroked other's hair
sharing pets together
or even..
when one of them was laying in a hospital's bed, suffered, despair of the disease. one another holds other's hand, shed tears, while kept saying prayers, wishing everything's gonna be well.
it all can be gone just by one moment.
it's just feel so right when we're just a friend. the very best one.
i'm just.. i miss you, my bestfriend :'(
comfort zone
Comfort zone. sering banget denger kata kata itu kayanya. lagi hits mungkin?
gw pun sering menggunakan kata tersebut di tweet2 gw. dan di tweet orang2 yang gw follow. Ya, semua orang terlalu nyaman dengan zonanya masing-masing. gw sendiri memang merasa sudah "terlalu" nyaman dengan zona dan aura yang gw ciptakan sendiri ini, sampe sampe kadang gw takut untuk keluar dari zona itu.
Awalnya gw ga punya filosofi apa apa tetang kata2 tersebut diatas, sampe gw membaca tweet seorang teman yang berbunyi : "Musuh terbesar masa depan adalah zona nyaman". baru nyadar. bener juga sih. BUKAN. bener BANGET malahan!
Dulu, definisi comfort zone buat gw adalah : bangun siang, ke kampus (pasti) terlambat, siaran, bernyanyi tidak serius, jalan jalan kemanapun kaki melangkah, tidur subuh, DVD marathon, makan dan buang hajat tepat waktu.
Sekarang agak berubah menjadi : bangun agak terlalu pagi, catching a bus (yes, I'm taking buses now), working, lame lunch, going home, doing my thesis, bernyanyi agak serius, woke up early, and so on..and so on.
Such a lame huh? tapiii..itulah yang dinamakan keluar dari comfort zone. berani (walaupun terpaksa) mencoba hal yang bener bener baru, yang sama saekali tidak nyaman, yang ternyata bikin hidup bergelombang-ga flat flat aja.
Daann..kalo diliat liat it is a good start for me. mulai dari taking buses (this is sacred man..) gw cuma bertahan 3 hari saja mengendarai mobil saat office hours. coba ya kalian wahai wanita muda urban, pagi2 uda stres macet berlebihan, cari parkir yang lumayann, pulang keluar parkiran aja bikin stress, sampe rumah uda berubah jadi ultraman. padahal cuma duduk doang tapi mentally tired bisa bikin gila!
Bandingkan dengan keluar rumah, langsung ga pake nunggu naik ke bus ber AC, tidur sambil nyalain iPod, turun percis depan kantor, ketemu cowok2 ganteng #eeeh #abaikan
Hal-hal kecil itulah yang bikin cara pandang gw beda. gaya berpakaian (jauh) lebih rapih. ruang lingkup pertemanan gw mulai melebar. lebih bisa menghargai waktu. dan uang. dan..well, gaya menulis juga beda ;) ga bisa bayangin kalo terus-terusan hidup di dalam kenyamanan itu sendiri. yang ada lupa dengan keadaan sekitar. bahkan lupa akan masa depan.
Beranikah kamu keluar dari comfort zone mu?
gw pun sering menggunakan kata tersebut di tweet2 gw. dan di tweet orang2 yang gw follow. Ya, semua orang terlalu nyaman dengan zonanya masing-masing. gw sendiri memang merasa sudah "terlalu" nyaman dengan zona dan aura yang gw ciptakan sendiri ini, sampe sampe kadang gw takut untuk keluar dari zona itu.
Awalnya gw ga punya filosofi apa apa tetang kata2 tersebut diatas, sampe gw membaca tweet seorang teman yang berbunyi : "Musuh terbesar masa depan adalah zona nyaman". baru nyadar. bener juga sih. BUKAN. bener BANGET malahan!
Dulu, definisi comfort zone buat gw adalah : bangun siang, ke kampus (pasti) terlambat, siaran, bernyanyi tidak serius, jalan jalan kemanapun kaki melangkah, tidur subuh, DVD marathon, makan dan buang hajat tepat waktu.
Sekarang agak berubah menjadi : bangun agak terlalu pagi, catching a bus (yes, I'm taking buses now), working, lame lunch, going home, doing my thesis, bernyanyi agak serius, woke up early, and so on..and so on.
Such a lame huh? tapiii..itulah yang dinamakan keluar dari comfort zone. berani (walaupun terpaksa) mencoba hal yang bener bener baru, yang sama saekali tidak nyaman, yang ternyata bikin hidup bergelombang-ga flat flat aja.
Daann..kalo diliat liat it is a good start for me. mulai dari taking buses (this is sacred man..) gw cuma bertahan 3 hari saja mengendarai mobil saat office hours. coba ya kalian wahai wanita muda urban, pagi2 uda stres macet berlebihan, cari parkir yang lumayann, pulang keluar parkiran aja bikin stress, sampe rumah uda berubah jadi ultraman. padahal cuma duduk doang tapi mentally tired bisa bikin gila!
Bandingkan dengan keluar rumah, langsung ga pake nunggu naik ke bus ber AC, tidur sambil nyalain iPod, turun percis depan kantor, ketemu cowok2 ganteng #eeeh #abaikan
Hal-hal kecil itulah yang bikin cara pandang gw beda. gaya berpakaian (jauh) lebih rapih. ruang lingkup pertemanan gw mulai melebar. lebih bisa menghargai waktu. dan uang. dan..well, gaya menulis juga beda ;) ga bisa bayangin kalo terus-terusan hidup di dalam kenyamanan itu sendiri. yang ada lupa dengan keadaan sekitar. bahkan lupa akan masa depan.
Beranikah kamu keluar dari comfort zone mu?
randomly lonesome
I just need my white troops! Some says bestfriends are like a family, even closer. Wanna spend twentyfourseven with 'eeem. They just so adorable!
ps : my bf is one of them. to me, he's more like a bestfriend. he's there. always there for me.
ps : my bf is one of them. to me, he's more like a bestfriend. he's there. always there for me.
Sing it out loud
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
Cus today I swear I'm not doing anything
I'm gonna kick my feet up and stare at the fan
Turn the TV on
Throw my hand in my pants
Nobodys gon' tell me I can't
I'll be lying on the couch just chillin in my snuggie
Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
Cus in my castle I'm the freakin man
I might mess around and get my college degree
I bet my old mam would be so proud of me
But sorry paps you'll just have to wait
No I ain't gonna comb my hair
Cus I ain't going anywhere
I'll just strut in my birthday suit
And let everything hang loose
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
Cus today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
Cus today I swear I'm not doing anything
I'm gonna kick my feet up and stare at the fan
Turn the TV on
Throw my hand in my pants
Nobodys gon' tell me I can't
I'll be lying on the couch just chillin in my snuggie
Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
Cus in my castle I'm the freakin man
I might mess around and get my college degree
I bet my old mam would be so proud of me
But sorry paps you'll just have to wait
No I ain't gonna comb my hair
Cus I ain't going anywhere
I'll just strut in my birthday suit
And let everything hang loose
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
Cus today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all
some of them called it 'resolution'
2011 is running well so far. just busier. and, just like everybody did on new year, they made a resolution list (even if it ends up hanging on ur wall, un-touch). here's some of mine :
1. Drink but no Drunk. I mean, drink necessarily.
2. Daftar Yoga. Dude, I really need this.
3. 2010 : You mess with me, you mess with the best. 2011 : You mess with me, I don't care.
4. Smart shopping, Start saving.
5. Remembering NAMES. I feel like I'm insulting people by forgetting their names easily.
6. Remember ANYTHING. This is one of me and my bf's similarity. We just can't remembering particular thing (even our anniversary's date)
7. Ok, this one's so hard. But I'll try my best to fill in. BE ON TIME.
8. Unlike Blair, now I prefer a scone than a scheme :)
9. Be nice, but not that nice. Being too nice is no fun!
10. Going to Gym. Period.
Well, i guess that was a cranky resolution list. You can do it better ;p Just be yourself and everybody's gonna like you. or not.
1. Drink but no Drunk. I mean, drink necessarily.
2. Daftar Yoga. Dude, I really need this.
3. 2010 : You mess with me, you mess with the best. 2011 : You mess with me, I don't care.
4. Smart shopping, Start saving.
5. Remembering NAMES. I feel like I'm insulting people by forgetting their names easily.
6. Remember ANYTHING. This is one of me and my bf's similarity. We just can't remembering particular thing (even our anniversary's date)
7. Ok, this one's so hard. But I'll try my best to fill in. BE ON TIME.
8. Unlike Blair, now I prefer a scone than a scheme :)
9. Be nice, but not that nice. Being too nice is no fun!
10. Going to Gym. Period.
Well, i guess that was a cranky resolution list. You can do it better ;p Just be yourself and everybody's gonna like you. or not.
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