yep, i'm kindda busy lately. thousands of college assignments, a week of broadcast workshop, being a trainer of announcer's newbies, preparing myself for global radio, helping my mom's new project, my band!! just thinking about it all makes me sick.
yea, its all about broadcast and broadcast. i really love this area. i studied communication. but, next semester i have to choose between broadcasting and PR (public relation). and with a hard decision and survey, finally i choose PR! my heart says broadcast, but my brain force me to learn PR. i've been comparing those subjects long time ago.
broadcast : learning about producing and running a radio and television, making a creative program for the rating, and so on.
public relation : learning about business communication, how to be a good 'face of company', how to make a good relation with media, etc.
and i got the point. for me, broadcasting subjects is a piece of cake (haha!). i've learnt all about radio and television from bvoice radio, and other broadcast workshops and seminars. i got it all for free. so, why i have to pay for the things i already into? i'm totally blank about PR, and i want to know it more, so i could have both knowledge in my hands! ehms..greedy me :p
anyway, a few days ago, HIMA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi) celebrate their 10th birthday with a seminars and birthday party. and they asked me to be the MC with thoriq. on a day one, they invited the successful entrepreneur and the owner of kemchick supermarket, Bob Sadino (I hate him. I hate his behaviour. He's a freak!). day two, the speaker's Billy Boen, the young successful entrepreneur and the writer of 'young on top' book.
here's the pic of me and thoriq after being the MC for entrepreneurship seminar, (i'm taking it from my mobile phone, sorry for the blurry :p)