
hungry lioness

about the tittle, i'd like to call myself as a 'lioness', because my star sign is leo (you know what it means, right?). for the 'hungry', it means i'm hungry of a super loong sleeps and rests!
yep, i'm kindda busy lately. thousands of college assignments, a week of broadcast workshop, being a trainer of announcer's newbies, preparing myself for global radio, helping my mom's new project, my band!! just thinking about it all makes me sick.
yea, its all about broadcast and broadcast. i really love this area. i studied communication. but, next semester i have to choose between broadcasting and PR (public relation). and with a hard decision and survey, finally i choose PR! my heart says broadcast, but my brain force me to learn PR. i've been comparing those subjects long time ago.

broadcast : learning about producing and running a radio and television, making a creative program for the rating, and so on.

public relation : learning about business communication, how to be a good 'face of company', how to make a good relation with media, etc.

and i got the point. for me, broadcasting subjects is a piece of cake (haha!). i've learnt all about radio and television from bvoice radio, and other broadcast workshops and seminars. i got it all for free. so, why i have to pay for the things i already into? i'm totally blank about PR, and i want to know it more, so i could have both knowledge in my hands! ehms..greedy me :p

anyway, a few days ago, HIMA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi) celebrate their 10th birthday with a seminars and birthday party. and they asked me to be the MC with thoriq. on a day one, they invited the successful entrepreneur and the owner of kemchick supermarket, Bob Sadino (I hate him. I hate his behaviour. He's a freak!). day two, the speaker's Billy Boen, the young successful entrepreneur and the writer of 'young on top' book.

here's the pic of me and thoriq after being the MC for entrepreneurship seminar, (i'm taking it from my mobile phone, sorry for the blurry :p)
graaa.. gotta go, assignments are waiting for mee!!


thank you.

do you know how many disasters occurs lately?


and now, I'm still sitting in my room, in front of this blog's screen while googling and twitter-ing, with my whole family around me, and I could still sleeps in a comfort mattress, with a warm aircon and tv.

YOU, who read this and have the same condition with me should say THANK YOU to our one and only creator to all His unlimited blessings. Thank You :)


believe it or not.

ini kisah di hari sabtu.

setiap hari sabtu saya kuliah pukul setengah 8 pagi. kerasa bgt ga sih melay nya? dan sabtu kemaren sebenernya gw uda bangun dari jam 6 pagi karna alarm. tapi apalah daya, rasa kantuk menguasai diri, jadi setiap 5 menit gw pencet tombol snooze. singkat cerita akhirnya gw bangun jam 7.20 langsung lah sikat gigi, cuci muka (tanpa mandi) dan tancap gas ke kampus pukul 7.40. sampe kampus 8.00. gw lupa, di kelas ini kalo lo melanggar peraturan 3 kali harus nyanyi. untung baru satu kali. begitu gw duduk, beberapa menit kemudian hp gw bunyi-lupa di silent. mampus! akhirnya nama gw dicatet melanggar dua kali. sekali lagi mamam deh gw jadi yuni sara didepan kelas!

btw kelas sabtu pagi sebenernya enak dan menyenangkan. namanya kelas CB (character building) yg setiap jurusan pasti ada mata kuliah ini dan wajib lulus minimal B (anyway, gw selalu A -_-) dan kelas sabtu kemaren sangat membekas di hati gw karna dosen gw menceritakan cerita yg sangat menarik. begini ceritanya...

suatu hari, ketika saya di Italia beberapa tahun yang lalu, saya sedang menonton talk show lokal semacam oprah winfrey show. saat itu bintang tamunya adalah sepasang orang tua yang sudah paruh baya. mereka menceritakan tentang perjalanan anak tunggal mereka bernama Jhon. mereka menceritakan bahwa pada hari wisuda kelulusan anaknya di perguruan tinggi, ia memohon diri untuk berjelajah mengelilingi Italia, dan langsung mendapat restu dari mereka.

hari pertama Jhon meninggalkan orang tuanya dan berjanji akan memberi kabar setiap harinya dimanapun ia berada.

hari kedua, Jhon menelpon orang tuanya untuk memberi kabar. Ia menceritakan perjalanannya yang menyenangkan.

hari ketiga, kembali Jhon memberi kabar kepada orang tuanya dan berkata bahwa ia baik baik saja.

hari ke empat, tak ada telepon. orang tuanya berfikir bahwa mungkin ia berada pada desa dimana tidak ada jaringan telepon.

hari kelima, keenam, dan ketujuh, masih belum ada kabar. Orang tua mulai cemas dan berencana melaporkan keadaan kepada polisi.

dua minggu terlewati tanpa ada kabar dan hasil dari polisi. Orang tuanya mulai pasrah dan tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. sampai mereka mendengar bahwa di suatu daerah terdapat seorang gipsy yang dipercaya dapat memanggil roh. tanpa berfikir panjang akhirnya mereka mendatangi gipsy tersebut. setelah sampai, mereka lalu meminta untuk dipanggilkan arwah anak mereka, Jhon. lalu kemudia gipsy tersebut menulis sesuatu di kertas, yang berbunyi "sayalah John.." kemudian percakapan si orang tua dan Jhon (melalui gipsy yang menulis) kurang lebih seperti ini :

Orang Tua : Jhon..apakah benar kau sudah meninggal?
Jhon : Iya Ayah..Ibu..saya sudah meninggal..
OT : (sambil menangis) kalau begitu ceritakanlah bagaimana kau meninggal..
Jhon : Ketika saya menutup telepon di hari ketiga, saya dirampok oleh dua orang dan setelah semua barang saya diambil, mereka membunuh saya kemudian melempar tubuh saya yang diikat batu ke dalam sungai hingga tenggelam.
OT : kalau begitu katakan siapa pelakunya, dan akan kami cari hingga dapat!
Jhon : tidak usah Ayah, Ibu..karena saya di sini sudah sungguh sangat bahagia.

setelah beberapa lama mereka bercakap-cakap, sampailah kepada pertanyaan :

OT : kalau begitu Jhon, ceritakan pada kami..bagaimana surga itu. bagaimana wujud Tuhan sebenarnya??
Jhon : ............... (terdiam agak lama, kemudian menggambar sesuatu)

OT : mata?
Jhon : Ya.. Tuhan itu seperti mata. Ia mengetahui semua yang terjadi terhadap kita, dan kelak nanti kita harus mempertanggung jawabkan semua yang kita lakukan di dunia..

Percaya atau tidak, satu kelas gw diem. kalem. gabisa berkata kata.
Ya, persiapkanlah hari itu karna kapanpun dapat terjadi!



laa : sar.. gw mimpi lo meninggal!
sarr : serius lo aah?
laa : iya, serius. tadi malem gw mimpi lo meninggal sar!
sarr : gimana ceritanya?
laa : lupa banget deh gw, yang pasti gw uda di samping peti lo nangis nangis parah! gw uda mau ikutan mati tau saarr!! aarrgghh..streess guee..
sarr : asiikk..brarti gw panjang umuur!
laa : yah semoga deh sarr.. kalo beneran bisa mati gw!!

.... kira kira itu percakapan gw sama lala sebulan sebelom dia meninggal. dan yang terjadi adalah kebalikannya. dan ya, gw beneran mau mati!


I love my life, for sure. But, as a human, I also had a dream or a "missing part" that secretly yearning myself off! Here's some of the things :

1. I really wanna have a big brother! I love my one and only sister, but I think it's cool having a cute, boyish, guarding, a band member, messy looks brothaaa!! (thinking of his might-be-cute folks :p)

2. having a cute little sister. or a twin partner :p

3. (still) having a childhood bestfriend, which could share anything even the darkest one. closer than a sister. Sadly, i've lost one :(

4. ..........

eerr.. what was I thinking? technically, I have a perfect life anyway. and I want nothing more than my today's circles. and about lala, I believe she's on her perfect place, smiling on me, and do happy - very happy up there :) the thing is, be happy of what you have, because you don't know how long you could hold 'em..


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!!

-- i have a thought that this film is going to be the best 3D movie eveerr!! imagine that there's a meatballs rain, pancakes storm, spaghetti tornado, and thousands of food disasters appears!! make sure if you gonna watch this movie, bring some food to chew to anticipate the annoyed-stomach-sound :p

happy chewing!


professional image!

Teesstt!! Yiippyy I'm trying blogging via blackberry! I'll fix the layout right away when I'm blogging by laptop.

Today, I feel there's something special about my class. Every tuesday, we have to wear office outfits (mini skirt, heels, and other bitchy things) to professional image's subject. This is my first time (go to campus) wearing those freakin "costume". My friends was making fun of me. They called me "ibu guru miyabi", "ibu pejabat","sekertaris nakal" bla bla. And I just can threw my pretty middle finger to them. Haha!

And thank God when I met my boyfriend, he didn't laugh at me at all! Yes he sees me head through toes, but then he just smile and said "ayo jalan jalan kamu pake baju itu!". Hmmm..he do unpredictable!


#howyou ?

#howyou spent your money most?

me, my top six of money waster causes :

1. CONCERT!! this is my secret guilty pleasure. i loove watching my favorite bands or solos with my own eyes once in a lifetime. for me, just listen and watch videos isn't enuuuff!!

2. eat! yea, as a human i ate alot! i love to eat and try some bizarre foods!

3. gasoline. its a huge money waster, considering the f-ing traffic in Jakarta.

4. phone bills. including my mobile internet bill.

5. shop. this isn't very important because i shopped with my mood. i'm not a shoppafreaks like all girls did. but it'll be dangerous if i saw something and craving for it.. i'll do anything to seize 'em! heheheh

6. travel. i hate to work hard. but sadly, its a must! so, after doing some work, i rest all of my mind and body to travel somewhere. sometime, i'm sick live in the city. its soo stereotypes. i love beaches, mountains, paddy fields, lalala. it wasn't waste much money because i did it in "backpackers" way ;p

see you on the next "#" adios!

go indo's movieeess!!

Best Indonesian movies (for me) so far :

Badai Pasti Berlalu : (2007) Vino G. Bastian & Raihaanun Nabila.

Tiga Hari untuk Selamanya : (2007) Nicholas Saputra & Adinia Wirasti
Radit dan Jani : (2008) Vino G. Bastian &Fahrani

reality movies and suits with Indonesian's condition. no fake, yet cool!

----- a little prayer.

I got my eyes wet watching the news. earthquake took so many victims in Indonesia. what is that? what's going on? ooh God, please pass Your mercy upon us. we are all depending on You. our body and soul belongs to You. Give us hope and faith to live the life You gave. thanks, God. I love You..