Call me krazay, call me idiot.
Global Radio nelfon gw buat interview terakhir. Kalo kata temen gw cuma formalitas, nentuin jadwal siaran dll. Seneng gila gw, cita2 gw jadi kenyataan.
Tapi gw ga dateng interview. I kissed them a goodbye.bukan karna gw telat, bukan karna macet. I have my own reason. Respon anak2?? :
"Hebaat lo sarr..lo emang temen gw paling juara abis! Top markotop!"
"Ok sar..u just ruined ur future!"
Tp yang paling gw seneng sih kata2 andra :
"Yaelah sarr..umur lo brapa? 20 kan? Masih muda bangeet, kuliah aja dulu benerin. Ntar jg kerjaan yg nunggu lo, bukan lo yg nunggu kerjaan!"
Yeah, sangat membantu tu kata2. Yaah semoga "alasan" gw bisa worth to death deh. Sedih jg dikit suara gw gajadi di denger satu jakarta bandung :'(
ten things I hate about you
I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,
not even close,
not even a little bit,
not even at all.
that was the first and the best teen flick I've ever known.
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,
not even close,
not even a little bit,
not even at all.
that was the first and the best teen flick I've ever known.
Jakarta Fashion Week 2009
Last Monday I got the invitation for the famous "Jakarta Fashion Week 2009" event. That was an annually event and belongs to the Indonesian fashion industry. and this year, the event has been held at Pacific Place, Sudirman. Its quite fun watching the fashion figures wrapped by famous designer's dresses, swinging their perfect body. here's some of the snap I've got :
Jazz Pasay :

Ian Adrian :

Dwi Iskandar :

Anne Avantie (my favorite!!) :

Oh..and by the way, I got a rare opportunity to interviewing mas Ian Adrian for binus tv. He's a very nice and down-to-earth person. I mean, for the famous designer like him, what an honor!
This is me with my loveleh cameraman alwi and .... (dang.. I'm suck memorizing name!)

me and my private driver! hahahaha kidding, sweets.
RAMEN 38!! SANPACHII!! hmm they got delicioso pork ramen ;p

me wants to attending JFW this friday for watching bebe and Mango show! Unfortunately I can't :(
“I don't do fashion, I am fashion.”
Coco Chanel
Jazz Pasay :
Ian Adrian :
Dwi Iskandar :

Anne Avantie (my favorite!!) :
Oh..and by the way, I got a rare opportunity to interviewing mas Ian Adrian for binus tv. He's a very nice and down-to-earth person. I mean, for the famous designer like him, what an honor!
This is me with my loveleh cameraman alwi and .... (dang.. I'm suck memorizing name!)
me and my private driver! hahahaha kidding, sweets.
“I don't do fashion, I am fashion.”
Coco Chanel
"do not using english unless you know it well.."
I found this text on my friend's twitter, which now living outside Indonesia. I know, this one's directed to my friend (which have poor english, I admit). so whaatt??! hell yeaa, I mean, who the hell is she, talking about Indonesian people like that?? I really hate that arrogant sentences, DO NOT EVER SAY THAT SHIT IN FRONT OF ME!
me, I like using english while writing on my blog. it helps me increasing my english, perhaps. I mean, we're Indonesian right? we all starts from the beginning (unless you were born or been living somewhere outside Indonesia). we often did the grammatical errors, but, wtf!! its not that important, right?? the foreigners themselves rather use the grammar correctly. don't be such an ass by bluffing ur abilities, in fact that your arrogance makes you got nothing. NOTHING DUUUUDE!!
last but not least : jangan sok bule loo!!
I found this text on my friend's twitter, which now living outside Indonesia. I know, this one's directed to my friend (which have poor english, I admit). so whaatt??! hell yeaa, I mean, who the hell is she, talking about Indonesian people like that?? I really hate that arrogant sentences, DO NOT EVER SAY THAT SHIT IN FRONT OF ME!
me, I like using english while writing on my blog. it helps me increasing my english, perhaps. I mean, we're Indonesian right? we all starts from the beginning (unless you were born or been living somewhere outside Indonesia). we often did the grammatical errors, but, wtf!! its not that important, right?? the foreigners themselves rather use the grammar correctly. don't be such an ass by bluffing ur abilities, in fact that your arrogance makes you got nothing. NOTHING DUUUUDE!!
last but not least : jangan sok bule loo!!
yesterday (12 nov 09) is my boyfriendoo birthdaayy!!
this year, I just gave him a little buff-day surprise. and right now, I still have no idea what present suits him best. hahah. we'll see..
hmm..taun lalu salah satu kado yg gw kasih adalah sebuah video. video testimoni temen temennya dia yang ngucapin happy birthday, mulai dari anak2 kampus sampe ke anak2 bintaro (thanks to alessandro sugondo ;p). agak basi sih emang bikin video testimoni gini. makanya, biar ga basi basi amat, gw pake ada special guess star nya, yaitu dhini aminarti. Dennis ngefans nya setengah mati sama dhini aminarti. jadi apapun caranya gw cari deh tu artis. hasilnya..pas lagi nonton di laptop, laptopnya hampir kelempar gara2 dia kaget mampus. hehehe. hope it'll stays forever in his heart :)
his 19th birthday on 2007 always ringing a bell on me. waktu itu baru kenal banget. gw bahkan masih manggil dia 'kak denis' hahaha! dan dia juga baru beberapa hari nanya nomer hp gw. tiba2 dia ngajakin gw dinner hari sabtu malem di pim. itu pertama kalinya gw pergi berdua sama dia. sampe pim, kita makan di cilantro express (sayang sekarang uda ga ada :'( hiks) ternyata rame banget temen2 nya dia. akhirnya dia ngaku kalo itu acara makan makan ultahnya dia, dan gw ga even tau kalo dia ulang taun. gw juga ga siap banget di cengin abis sama temen temennya zzzzz mau mampus.
those moments will never left off my head. its deeply remarks on me :)
may God bless you to blow 101 candles and all your wishes come true, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dennis Yonasa!!
this year, I just gave him a little buff-day surprise. and right now, I still have no idea what present suits him best. hahah. we'll see..
hmm..taun lalu salah satu kado yg gw kasih adalah sebuah video. video testimoni temen temennya dia yang ngucapin happy birthday, mulai dari anak2 kampus sampe ke anak2 bintaro (thanks to alessandro sugondo ;p). agak basi sih emang bikin video testimoni gini. makanya, biar ga basi basi amat, gw pake ada special guess star nya, yaitu dhini aminarti. Dennis ngefans nya setengah mati sama dhini aminarti. jadi apapun caranya gw cari deh tu artis. hasilnya..pas lagi nonton di laptop, laptopnya hampir kelempar gara2 dia kaget mampus. hehehe. hope it'll stays forever in his heart :)
his 19th birthday on 2007 always ringing a bell on me. waktu itu baru kenal banget. gw bahkan masih manggil dia 'kak denis' hahaha! dan dia juga baru beberapa hari nanya nomer hp gw. tiba2 dia ngajakin gw dinner hari sabtu malem di pim. itu pertama kalinya gw pergi berdua sama dia. sampe pim, kita makan di cilantro express (sayang sekarang uda ga ada :'( hiks) ternyata rame banget temen2 nya dia. akhirnya dia ngaku kalo itu acara makan makan ultahnya dia, dan gw ga even tau kalo dia ulang taun. gw juga ga siap banget di cengin abis sama temen temennya zzzzz mau mampus.
those moments will never left off my head. its deeply remarks on me :)
may God bless you to blow 101 candles and all your wishes come true, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dennis Yonasa!!
panoramic view
GWWREAAT mid test!
my midterm test is less than a week ahead, and my preparation is oh-so-zero. oohh God, what should I write down on my papertest?? huaa :"(
here's my nightmare schedule :

compare with this one (dennis' schedule) :

I hatee iitt!! how come he just have to finish 4 subjects?? oh I forgot, he already doing his thesis, of course :)
by the way, I have to memorizing some of mandarin language for my practical test. its kinda stressing, considering if you say it in different tone, the meaning's gonna be different too!
please, please reader.. whoever you are, please pray for me :"(
(ps : click the photo if you wanna see it bigger)
here's my nightmare schedule :

compare with this one (dennis' schedule) :

I hatee iitt!! how come he just have to finish 4 subjects?? oh I forgot, he already doing his thesis, of course :)
by the way, I have to memorizing some of mandarin language for my practical test. its kinda stressing, considering if you say it in different tone, the meaning's gonna be different too!

(ps : click the photo if you wanna see it bigger)
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