to dennis yonasa : stop biting my cheeks or other part of my body, or i swear i'm gonna... i'm gonna... just wait what i'm going to do! latter, alligator..

around 3.30pm after saying goodbye, i went to fx to watched curious case of benjamin button with my bestfriend, lala (dennis pengen ikut, but still have a lot of things to do. hihi). it’s a pretty cool movie. hard to understand for the first, tapi lama lama ngerti juga kok. brad pitt is totally HOT! he’s deadly gorgeous! me and lala restrain our breath during the film. our knee’s limp. hahaha i’ve been a little bit over reacted, by the way.
*dennis’ve been jealous wif me, so he asking his brother, ryan to watch benjamin button at pim. haha!
ps : by the way, we (me and my boyfriend) made a tumblr for sharing photos, stories, or other things about us. just check and we'll wait ur comments. see-ya!

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